If you haven't received your order confirmation email, please follow these steps:
- Check Spam or Junk Folder: Sometimes, emails can end up in your spam or junk folder. Please check these folders in your email account.
- Check Promotions and Social Tabs (for Gmail users): If you use Gmail, please also check your ‘Promotions’ and ’Social‘ tabs.
- Contact Customer Support: If you don't find the confirmation email in your spam or junk folder or in your Promotions and Social tabs, please contact our customer support team at support@ampaura.tech.
- Provide Order Details: When contacting support, include relevant details such as your full name, email address used for the order, and order number. This will help our team locate your order quickly and verify the status.
Our customer support team will investigate the issue and ensure that you receive the necessary information about your order promptly.
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